My future job.

I am 21 years old and I'm in my second year of architecture at the University of Chile. Architecture is my passion, I love all the subjects that it covers and in all the details which one should pay attention to, however, a dream that I have had since I was a girl has been to be able to help the environment, I have always thought that this subject is very important today because the human being has caused a great impact on their environment.

If many people were aware of how such small actions can help the environment a lot, for example: separate your garbage or reduce the daily minutes you spend bathing, we would be on a better planet.I would save money all my life and after 40, I want to dedicate myself to be part of a great network that generates conscience on the impact that makes the human being in his environment, this would generate me little money, but it would generate me a great satisfaction. I want at least to implant it in Chile, to contribute with innovations that could produce many changes either for the health, money, environment and emotional of a human being.

 I would like to be part of an idea as simple as a truck coming to your home for FREE to pick up your waste you kept in separate bags and until the television give commercials so that people become aware of what their actions are causing. I hope later on to be part of a great project that changes societies.💚


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